Paper Reading - A Joint Many-Task Model, Growing a Neural Network for Multiple NLP Tasks
Jul 3, 2019.
Problem Perform multi-tasks in a hierarchical manner. Train a multi-layer model for multitasks. Different layers handle different tasks, from morphology, syntax to semantics. Key Ideas Different layers handle different tasks. Low-level layer handle easy task,...
NLP Tasks
Jul 2, 2019.
Introduction Here we summarize some natural language processing tasks. Compare their semantic levels, difficulty, and similarity. We rank and group them into a table. NLP Tasks Task Input Type Word tagging Word segmentation...
NLP Pretraining - from BERT to XLNet
Jul 1, 2019.
Introduction The emergence of BERT brought NLP into a new era. Recent research works usually apply a similar “pre-training + finetuning” manner. In this post, we briefly summarize recent works after BERT. Some of them...
Paper Reading - A Hierarchical Multi-task Approach for Learning Embeddings from Semantic Tasks
Jun 27, 2019.
问题 训练层级多任务。 关键想法 根据任务关系组合不同的任务,简单任务在下,复杂在上,下层任务对上层进行辅助。这里选择NER,EMD,CR,RE四个任务,分三层。NER-〉EMD-〉CR和RE 模型 结构 Embedding: character emb + Glove + ELMo Encoder: Multi-layer BiLSTM for each task Decoder: CRF for NER and EMD, Scorer for CR and RE 数据 利用标注好的不同训练数据 训练 随机选择任务,选择batch 技巧...